Free Icon Sets and Downloads
Everyone loves free stuff, so we present our collection of free downloads! As time goes, we will provide more items in this area, depending on our project workload. Right now, we have 9 icon sets, and 1 utility available for download - if you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact form.
Mini Set
After releasing the original Android Developer Common Icon Set, documents were released defining a style guide for the Android operating system. These icons are built referencing the style guide and as such may not be interchangeable with our original set.

Mini Set
The iPhone Common Icon Set contains icons that will be usefull for most iPhone applications, such as home, subscribe, info, help and update. The icons come in two sizes suitable for applications that use either a TabBar or a Toolbar. Instructions on how to add these icons can be found here in our support section.

Mini Set
The Open Handset Alliance's Android presents an interesting time for mobile developers and as always we're doing our bit by giving you some free icons to ease your task of making great applications

Complete Set
The Vista Common Toolbar Icon Set contains the most often used images, such as file functions (create, open, save), printing, navigation and much more.

Complete Set
The Common Toolbar Icon Set contains the most often used images, such as file functions (create, open, save), printing, navigation and much more.

Mini Set
Add mystery and intrigue to your desktop with these free icons from the dark ages.

Mini Set
An idea born from the depths of the creative and escalating into a small set of it's own.

Mini Set
This free set was conceived quite some time ago and due to time constraints never made it out on time in all it's glory. We've taken 5 of the icons from the plan and finished them all up for Halloween, we hope you enjoy it.

Holiday Pack Version 1
Celebrate the holiday seasons with this special free pack of 5 Christmas inspired icons, in all sizes and formats.

glyFX Utility
Certain interface controls require multi-state images (icons that contain different state versions in a single image strip). While this can be done by hand using any image editing package, the glyFX Image Welder can convert many images in a single batch.